District Social Welfare Office
Overview of DSWO:-
Social Welfare Department is the nodal Department while implementing various scheme and programmes of MW&CD. District Social Welfare Office Barpeta is the nodal Department under Director of Social Welfare.
Organizational Structure:-

ICDS Project | Sanctioned AWC | Big AWC | Mini AWC | Total Functional AWC | AWW | AWH | Supervisor |
10 | 2970 | 2607 | 363 | 2914 | 2857 | 2449 | 104 |
Schemes Implemented:-
1) Supplementary Nutrition Programme(SNP):-
Objectives of the Scheme:- SNP is a Programme out of six services under Integrated Child Development Service Scheme (ICDS) implementing for providing food staff namely Hot Cooked Meal (HCM), Take Home Ration (THR) and Morning snacks to prevent Malnutrition and Anaemia etc. of the pregnant and lactating women, children of age group 6 months to 6 years and Malnourished children 6 Months to 6 Years.
2) Deen Dayal Dibyagjan Pension:-
The objective of the scheme is to provide monthly pension of Rs. 1000/- to each of differently able person for taking cares of their health.
3) One Stop Centre(OSC)
One Stop Centres (OSCs) are intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace. Women facing physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education status, marital status, race and culture will be facilitated with support and redressal. Aggrieved women facing any kind of violence due to attempted sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, honour related crimes, acid attacks or witch-hunting who have reached out or been referred to the OSC will be provided with specialized services.
4) Poshan Abhiyaan:-
Poshan Abhiyaan (National Nutrition Mission) is India’s flagship programme to improve nutritional outcomes for children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. Launched in March 2018, the programme, through use of technology, a targeted approach and convergence, strives to reduce the level of stunting, under-nutrition, anemia and low birth weight in children, as also, focus on adolescent girls, pregnant women and lactating mothers, thus holistically addressing malnutrition.
5) Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana(PMMVY):-
Pradhan Mantru Vandana Yojana was launched in the year 2017 which is mainly a conditional cash transfer scheme for PW & LM for the first live birth only. . It provides partial wage compensation to women for wage loss during child birth and child care and to provide conditions for safe delivery and good nutrition and feeding practices. Under PMMVY, a cash incentive of ` 5000/- would be provided directly in the account of Pregnant Women and LactatingMothers(PW&LM) forfirstliving child ofthe family subjectto theirfulfilling specific conditions relating to Maternal and Child Health.
6) Mahila Shakti Kendra(MSK):-
The budget speech (2017-18) of the Finance Minister announced setting up of “Mahila Shakti Kendra” is meant to provide “one stop convergent support services for empowering rural women with opportunities for skill development, employment, digital literacy, health and nutrition”. Accordingly, a new sub-scheme namely Mahila Shakti Kendra (MSK) under the Umbrella Scheme Pradhan Mantri Mahila ShashaktikaranYojana (PMMSY) has been approved for implementation during 2017-18 upto 2019-20.The Scheme will provide an interface for rural women to approach the government for availing their entitlements and for empowering them through awareness generation, training and capacity building. Student volunteers will encourage the spirit of voluntary community service and gender equality. These student volunteers will serve as "agents of change" and have a lasting impact on their communities and the nation.
Photos of different Activities:-