Organizational Structure of Sericulture Department

Last Updated on: April 24, 2022

Organizational Structure, Staff Position and Duties & Responsibilities

The District Head Quarter of the department is: Assistant Director of Sericulture office, Barpeta, Sonkuchi

Seri Administrative Set Up as follows:

Sl No. Post Strength/ Availability Job Description
1. Asstt. Director of Sericulture 1 No.

Asstt. Director are involved in Extension and Development activities in the District.

2. Extension Officer 1 No.

Extension officer (in Block level) supervised technical activities of Eri Concentrarion Centre (ECC), Collective Mulberry Garden (CMG ),Muga Village Grazing Reserve ( VGR ) within the Block jurisdictions.

* To identify the potential areas for extension and development of Sericulture in new areas.

To assist in marketing of  Cocoon, Yarn etc.

3. Manager, Govt. Seri Farm, Howly 1 No.

* To maintain the Farm properly.

*To achieve the target  of Seed production.

4. Assistant Manager 2 Nos.

Assistant Manager engaged in V.G.R and Farms also . They are responsible to maintain the Farm/ Centre. Their responsibility to maintain the centre / Farm properly and conduct time to time rearing to achieve the target.

5. Sericulture Demonstrator 8 Nos.

Farms and centre Demonstrator have their duties for rearing of production of cocoons and seeds ( DFLs)

6. Sericulture Circle Demonstrator 3 Nos.

At present there are 3 nos of Circle Demonstrator   in Barpeta District, viz. Howly Circle covering 26 nos. villages, Chenga circle covering 26 nos. villages, Noontola circle covering 27 nos. villages .Each Circle Demonstrator distribute the seeds to the area of their jurisdiction and keep close  contact to provide necessary service to them for increasing Sericulture activities and also to enhance their production . The circle S.D also attain Block level meeting time to time when it required.                           

7. Sr. Assistants 2 Nos. (Vacant)


8. Jr. Assistants 3 Nos. (1 No. vacant)

Both they are engaged for official works such as Bill preparation , Preparation of pension papers  and other related official related matters, reports etc.

9. Driver 1 No. (Vacant)

 Driver engaged for filed visit purpose and other official related works.

10. Grade IV 9 Nos.

They do their duties such as cleaning , office opening and closing , engaged for bank , Treasury and to dispatch other official reports to other line departments and also district Administration. 

11. MR Grade IV 11 Nos.

They are engaged in farm/ centre duty for rearing, Planting , hoeing , ploughing , weeding , manuring and other assigned duties instructed by the farm and centre in charge in time to time